Prayer to Obtain the Grace of All the World’s Masses

The Prayer to Obtain the Grace of All the World’s Masses is a heartfelt plea for her maternal intercession, seeking her mercy, compassion, and the granting of our requests, while expressing gratitude and the desire to imitate her virtues. Our prayers are strongest at the Consecration in Holy Mass (at the raising of Host and Chalice). In eternity, we shall fully realize that it was certainly worthwhile to have assisted at Holy Mass daily. Pray for priests that they may offer the Mass with holy love and reverence.

Prayer Video – Prayer to Obtain the Grace of All the World’s Masses

Eternal Father, we humbly offer Thee our poor presence, and that of the whole of humanity, from the beginning to the end of the world at all the Masses that ever have or ever will be prayed.

We offer Thee all the pains, suffering, prayers, sacrifices, joys, and relaxations of our lives, in union with those of our dear Lord Jesus here on earth.

May the Most Precious Blood of Christ, all His Blood, and Wounds, and Agony save us, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen.